1️⃣ Model Overview

The Bonding Curve PAMM & SAMM model integrates liquidity providers, DEX, arbitrageurs, traders, and a protocol module to simulate token issuance and circulation in both primary and secondary markets. Unlike the Bonding Curve mechanism limited to primary markets, this model also illustrates dynamic market price and liquidity changes through trading and arbitrage. This realistic approach provides comprehensive market behavior and price fluctuation analysis, enabling users to evaluate token performance and develop effective investment and trading strategies.

bonding curve pamm & samm.png

2️⃣ Model Link


3️⃣ Model Description

🧩 Agent-based Model

This model simulates market behavior and dynamic adjustment of tokens. It includes five modules and global variables. Here is a detailed introduction:


Liquidity Provider


Simulates the buying and selling behavior of traders in the market, studying the changes in token prices and market liquidity under different market conditions through initialization and trading operations.